The Cherished Dream

The will of Helen Gale McKennan left $25,000 in trust to start a new hospital in Sioux Falls. The trustees of her will became the first hospital Board of Trustees.
When the Presentation Sisters agreed to manage the hospital, work began. A block of land was purchased, plans were drawn and construction started in 1910. McKennan Hospital was finished in 1911, offering 55 patient beds and living quarters for 20 nurses and Sisters.The hospital was conveniently located on the street car line and represented the latest in modern medicine for its time. Dr. Thomas J. Billion, Sr. was the first staff president.
During the dedication ceremony on December 17, 1911, McKennan Hospital received its first emergency phone call. Dr. Gilbert Cottam performed the first surgery - an emergency appendectomy - that night.
You also may want to make it easy and convenient to have a bequest included in your will. The language below shows how a bequest can very easily be included in your will.
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*Please note: The name and image above is representative of a typical donor and may or may not be an actual donor to our organization. Since your benefits may be different, you may want to click here to view a color example of your benefits.
Example bequest language - Please feel free to change the numbers or percentages as you desire.
1. Bequest of cash
"I bequeath the sum of $10,000 to Avera Foundation of Sioux Falls, SD."
2. Bequest of a percent of the estate
"I devise and bequeath 20% of the remainder and residue of property owned at my death, whether real or personal, and wherever located to Avera Foundation, Sioux Falls, SD."
3. Contingent Bequest
"If my brother John Doe survives me, I devise and bequeath 20% of the remainder and residue of property owned at my death, whether real or personal, and wherever located to John Doe. If John Doe does not survive me, then I devise and bequeath 20% of my residuary estate, whether real or personal property and wherever located to Avera Foundation, Sioux Falls, SD."